Upcoming Events
& News:
Putah Creek Cleanup 2k6:
Saturday May 20th, 2006 9am-11am
CP will be participating in it's second Putah Creek Cleanup since last year. We will be cleaning up
the banks of the Putah Creek Fork just South of Davis, removing trash and other debris from the area. **NOTE: A liablity waiver
AND photo release form are required to attend this project. Find these in the "FILES" of the CP Yahoo! Group Page. Also, delicious breakfast treats will be served before we begin. (Last year we got pizza afterwards
as well!) For directions, see Calendar.
Northstar Pond Algae Removal Project: Saturday May
27th, 2006 9am-12pm
This is possibly the best project of the year, and perhaps the last :( We will be using kayaks, nets, and rakes to remove
the "algae scum" from the top of the pond. This will be a day of fun in the sun, so wear clothing that can get wet,
sunscreen, and possibly a hat! Meet at Northstar Pond in North Davis (Anderson and F St).
End of the Year PARTY!: Saturday June 3rd, 2006
Time TBA
This will be a club-wide party that will most likely take place at a public park (Slide Hill or Village Homes) where we
can swim and have a BBQ. All members are encouraged to come. It will be a joyous and sad day, so come and join in the excitement!
Details TBA.
ASSAULT (continued from the Home Page)
Phil Garrity, Project Coordinator for the club and planner of the infamous event, commented on the "severely inadequate
number of Planeteers allowed to go to this project." Garrity contended that "I feel bad more people
who wanted to couldn't come, but I really think we were better off without eight people per canoe." However, seating
logistics proved to be the least of these bold canoers’ worries.
The chosen five Planeteers, Evan Aguirre, Nicho Campos, Joe Garrity, Phil Garrity and Adam Silva, were not alone in their
fateful goal of "demolishing the living crap out of a beaver home," as shouted bluntly by Aguirre from his canoe. Dawn Lindstrom
of the Putah Creek Council and other ambiguously identified men, perhaps of the state Department of Fish and Game, guided
the caravan of "highly inept, obnoxious, and frankly burdensome high schoolers," reported Lindstrom. As the leader
of the troupe explained, "our mission was to remove a beaver dam on Putah Creek to help the Salmon population cross
other dams with help from the surge of newly released water."
The young Planeteers, who admit that "we didn't hear a word [Lindstrom] said," sought only to demolish the heaping mass before
them. Evan Aguirre, a valued member of the Fire Committee, described first seeing the "looming wooden structure, absolutely
mammoth in its proportion to our meager vessels." The colossal monument Aguirre and the other canoers saw was a
roughly 25 foot beaver dam, "that was just calling to my metal rake/ax," said Phil Garrity.
their canoes in a nearby marsh, the team set to work "taking furious hacks at the residence of a creature that has
terrified me for years," reported Aguirre. As a small fissure was broken in the heaping wooden mass, the flow of
water is said to have grown exponentially powerful, until Planeteer Phil Garrity was nearly taken by the current. "It took
us only about twenty minutes to absolutely obliterate the home, " said Earth member Nicho Campos. "It was really a
matter of getting mad at those buck-toothed freaks and channeling that anger into your sledge-hammer."
The morning ended with a tearful salute to the steadily flowing river, and as the band of weary travelers canoed easily downstream,
all that could be heard above the sweet autumn sound of larks and the fragrant elms crowding the banks was the trivial
observation that "Adam just peed in his waders." Silva reports only that "the waders are mine, so I can do what
I want with them."
In a closing remark, Planeteer Joe Garrity commented that "it's a real shame more Planeteers couldn't enjoy this
awesome time with us. But hey, maybe Glenn Coffman will learn to get up in the morning."